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Coldplay is a robot equipped with a PIXY camera that can detect objects and classify them by color. It is equipped with a grip that allow it to move them around the field.

Check the prezi presentation of the final result (in Spanish)

This is a hole year of work at Complubot (2018). You can see an iterative process of learning along three different iterations.

First steps – Bluetooth

In this first aproach to the problem we worked with the HC-05 Bluetooth module and the AT commands. We made a robot based on the Compluino03 board. One we had that we started making some custom hardware to the board like allowing it to receive arduino compiled code through the bluetooth module to the serial port in a wireless way. Tutorial in spanish.

Camareros y Ladrones

At this point we wanted to prove that the Compluino03 board was a powerful tool that not only provided all hardware you need to cover the basics in robotics but also could be customized and enhance to do whatever basic robot you could though of. To accomplish that we created some structures to do a total of three different battle robots. We also created a game (camareros y ladrones), the goal of the game was to take carry a piece of wood on the top of the robot without securing it and try to take done the enemy’s piece without yours falling. We won booth fights!!!

First fight of the ColdPlay robot
Second Fight of the ColPlay robot


Changing a bit the path of the proyect we changed the ColdPlay’s hardware, removing some of the Compluino03 board pieces and adding to it some custom ones. Mainly we added a pixy camera, some leds to increare the brightness of the image on close distances and a servo controller to move the camera up and down in the pan and till we created and to open and close a gripper. The goal of the project now was to make an object classier wich could distinguish three different pieces and could find them, grab them and carry them to an specific spot marked by a specific color where the robot should release the piece.

First demo of the ColdPlay robot – complete project 
Second demo of the ColdPlay robot – complete project
Side view